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The Questions for Treasure Hunt will appear on the following places on any day between in the month of April to June.
Find out the answers to the question from any source like library books, internet, CD ROMs etc.
You need to provide your answers along with the reference you have used to find the answers
If it is a book provide the Title, Author, Publisher, Edition and page information. If the book is consulted from a library provide the library name and accession number
For internet resources provide the complete URL and the date on which you accessed it.
For CD ROM provide the title and publisher information
For other sources provide the details
Points will be awarded to correct answers in the following manner
Every correct answer will get you 1 point
For the right reference source, you will get additional points
If the resource used for an answer is a library book and it is referenced correctly, you will get 2 additional points
For internet resource referenced properly, you will get 1 additional point